The following rules apply to the delivery of your purchases.
A: Orders are dispatched daily.
B: Both Express Couriers and Australia Post services are used. While ordering, you will have an option to choose which one you want.
C: Within reason, 90% of orders are received on the next working day.
D: You have the option to choose a courier service but, for many reasons, we reserve the right to use our choice of services for delivery.
F: If an item that you have ordered is not in stock, we will attempt to get it or contact you to discuss. We will update you over email, using the email address provided to us.
G: If you have ordered a number of items, but one of those items is not available, we may deliver your order without the unavailable item. We will not charge you for that item.
H: It is up to the service provider to deliver the goods on time, once an order has been processed and shipped. For example: we have no control over Australia Post delivery of an overnight shipment to you under their “next business day” service.
I: You are able to, at any time, login and check the status of your order. PS: Please be reassured that we aim to ship your order as fast as possible and 99% of the time we will be able to!
J: International orders are not a problem – we send items all over the world!
H: When charging you for shipping, we will charge you the actual cost to us from the provider – we do not make a profit from freight charges. We will not give you false intentions, nor will we try to trick you with fine print details in relation to free freight gimmicks.
Freight Guide & Freight Policy (AU)

At the end of the order process, you will be given different freight options. If we need more freight charges to cover your order, we will contact you.